Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Cute but eats his poop.

Emitt. Our dog. Our puppy who eats his own poop and would probably eat yours if he had the chance. It pisses me off because he won't stop. To tell you the truth, I get this crazy urge to kick him across the kitchen, pick him up and roll him like a bowling ball down the hall, or say a word that would dissapoint my grandmother. Good thing for him I always revert to the third choice which makes my wife laugh. Let me tell you more...

I set my alarm for 2:30am every morning to let him out. I don't prefer it but it is a must until his bladder is bigger. I'll drag myself out of bed and stand in my back yard sporting only my boxers with our security spot light shining down on me from above. If you happen to catch me in this situation you would probably mistake me for an angel from heaven. Anyways, standing there with my eyes locked on our puppy, I am wide eyed and ready to make a run for him.

He knows where he pooped last. I don't. So I watch. I'll wait. He acts like he just happens upon his pile but I know otherwise. In an instant he finds his midnight snack that he left hours earlier and I sprint towards him, he sprints away and I try not to yell too loud. He pisses and runs to the door all the while licking his poop covered chops. I scoop him up and explain to him that I don't care how cute he is and place him gently back into his crate.


1 comment:

Rachel L. said...

Hahaha, to sum it up in one sentence....Cute but eats his poop. Well said.