Thursday, September 20, 2007

The old woman who scowls at me.

1. The usual. This morning, at 7:53am I open my garage, enjoy the warm sun touching my face and push my 500 pound bike out and onto my driveway.

2. The unusual. A policeman in his Longmont issue Dodge Charger, parked across the street from my house.

3. The air. Calm and quiet.

4. The air after I start my bike. Calm but loud for 7:55am.

5. The usual. I make my way down Jewel Dr. towards 19th St.

6. The unusual. A policeman in his Longmont issue Dodge Charger, following me.

7. The air. Annoying and filled with red and blue lights flashing all over the freakin place.

8. The air after I turn off my bike. Filled with the phrase/question "What the crap?"

9. The usual. I am confused and about to get angry.

10. The unusual. I didn't get a ticket. The cop was nice to me, he even laughed at the old woman who called the police department every morning for the past two weeks because of my obnoxious hell raising motorcycle.