Tuesday, April 08, 2008

This fleeting moment is worth what?

Through a link here and a link there I read a blog that hit me hard today. I quote from here.

"Our life here on earth will be over in the blink of an eye, compared to eternity. Really, that is quite an incredible thought when you really sit down and think about it and all that it means. It is difficult to fully comprehend the magnitude of the importance of this extremely brief life in light of eternity.

The fears, worries, situations and pursuits of happiness that naturally come with this life can consume us but in the light of eternity all these things of the world are worthless. Useless. They are like a vapor- like we are- here one moment and gone the next. We give them far more importance than they are worth. 

Only one life to live, only what's done for Christ will last."

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