Once again we went to the MAE show. We've seen them probably twice a year for the last few years. This time The Honorary Title (which is one of my favorite bands) were along for the ride and opened for MAE. Amazing show, the best show I've probably have ever seen.
It was held at the Marquis Theater in Denver. The smallest venue around ended up hosting this huge show. This was cool cause you couldn't be further than fifty feet from the stage.
This time around MAE had this crazy screen behind them that had all these videos that have been cut to each song. Images of space and time travel , stop motion flowers blooming, trees, buildings, random people and there was all this random obscure footage blended together which matched up with the feeling of each song, each part of each song.
It's weird but MAE is deffinatley more than just music. If you have the chance to grab one of their albums, get "The Everglow" and you'll see what I mean. Then if you get the chance to see them live, do it. They have so much fun up there and sound so freakin good.
It is up. Have a great weekend, my friend.
When 'The Everglow' first came out, my life didn't seem complete without listening to it at least once a day for a month straight. I have yet to see them, the show I tried to attend a few years back was sold out when I got to the door.
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