1. There was a small battle that took place. I saw the whole thing, the confidence in the question I wanted to ask, the hesitation because I wanted my first words to be something different than everyone elses, the outcome being exactly what I didn't want but exactly what I knew it would be.
2. "I bet people always ask you how tall you are."
3. I laughed at myself. Mainly because I knew what really just happend. It wasn't just a question.
4. "Six foot nine inches" was his answer.
5. I was sitting outside of Starbucks and was reading "Blue Like Jazz" when I found out that me and Bryce had something in common.
6. I figured that if he liked this book then we would probably get along, probably have some good conversations about life, love, and God.
7. My figures were correct.
8. Quickly we became good friends.
9. I taught him the ropes of Starbucks. (Or maybe he figured them out?)
10. He's a bright kid.
11. We would flail around Starbucks yelling out Arnold Swartz lines and loud lingering "MAAAAAMAAAAAAAAs."
12. I'd throw things at him and he would throw a fit and cuss at me. I would appoligize and hope that he was alright.
12. I'd make it up by making him a "J-ROD."
13. He would tell me how much it sucks that Kate was in another state.
14. I understood.
15. He was soon to wed and move far far away.
16. I was one of the people who tried to talk him out of moving.
17. I told him that Wisconsin would be crappy.
18. He cussed at me.
19. I felt horrible and realized that I needed to support him.
20. I love his honesty and frankness.
21. I missed his wedding because my daughter Olive was born the week of.
22. I felt bad about that. I still feel bad.
23. He moved.
24. He inspired me to start blogging.
25. I check his blog at least three times a day...just waiting for more words.
26. I miss him.